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Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis * Volume 58, Issue 1 Winter 2025 (23 articles, 7 open access; In Memoriam for Dr. James Sherman, special section on contingency management)
Most intriguing: Evolution of the substance use landscape: Implications for contingency management
CM is effective but people don't want to use it. Find out more here

2/5 Miller, S. B., Snyder, S. K., Ayres, K. M., & Cagliani, R. R. (2025). The effect of magnitude on the displacement of leisure items by edible items. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–10.
Previous research has found that edibles "displace" leisure activities as reinforcers when given choice (e.g., people choose food). The authors find that increased access to leisure activities shift preference back

Behavior Analysis in Practice
2/4 Oda, F.S., Stiehl, C.M. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI): A Tutorial on Ethical Data Practices. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
(Open access) Autistic and neurodivergent people are more likely than the general population to identify as a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity. These authors recommend how and why to collect and sort that data

2/7 Vincent, L.B., Scott, M., Weber, S. et al. A Team Approach: How the LEND Program Can Provide Interdisciplinary Training for Behavior Analysts. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
(Open access) Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) programs have typically been offered to psychology or special education programs, but not behavior analysis. University of Cincinnati added this program in 2020 for ABA, and it focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration between all these teams

Behavioral Interventions * Volume 40, Issue 1 February 2025 (15 articles, 5 open access)
Most intriguing: Examination of Athletes' Preferences for Practice Drills in a Group Response Restriction Analysis
Athletes can have differential preferences for drills, which a coach could use to organize practice

Perspectives on Behavior Science
2/3 Twyman, J.S. Re-Engineering the Educational System: Technology Transfer from a Behavioral Perspective. Perspect Behav Sci (2025).
How does knowledge transfer most effectively – to students and to society? 

Behavior and Social Issues
2/6 Anderson, A.N., Rapp, J.T. & Bush, H. Exploring Adolescents’ Ratings of Social Profiles: The Impact of Eye Gaze. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2025).
(Open access) 3 Videos were created for a different study on eye gaze, and re-used for this study, in which a speaker had varying eye gaze duration towards an offscreen interviewer. Study participants watched the videos and rated the speaker on various qualities. College students and justice-involved adolescents both rated low eye gaze as being less favorable, also implying that they discriminated how much eye gaze each video represented. Also, justice-involved youth thought that the high-rated amount of eye gaze meant that the speaker had fewer friends, implying that the justice-involved group had negative perceptions of a "socially valid" amount of eye gaze

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior * Volume 123, Issue 1

Special Issue: Operant Demand and Public Health January 2025 (7 articles, 1 open access)
Most intriguing: Reward deprivation is associated with elevated alcohol demand in emerging adults
Treatment: environmental enrichment

2/5 Morris, S. L., & Blakemore, E. T. (2025). Does increasing absolute conditioned reinforcement rate improve sensitivity to relative conditioned reinforcement rate? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–17.
With 30 undergrads, the answer is: no. Sensitivity to relative rate was the same regardless of the absolute rate

Education and Treatment of Children
2/6 Bigelow, K.M., Schnitz, A.G. & Carta, J.J. Interventions Promoting Early Social-Emotional Development. Educ. Treat. Child. (2025).
Social emotional skills in children are correlated to positive outcomes in a broad array of measures; at the Juniper Gardens preschool at the University of Kansas, they have strategies to teach skills and increase parental teaching 

Grünke, M., Braunwarth, I., Connelly, V. et al. The Effects of the Pegword Method on the Multiplication Skills of Students with Math Difficulties. Educ. Treat. Child. (2025).
(Open access) Sixth graders with low math scores were taught a mnemonic pegboard method of learning multiplication facts (pairing numbers with words, which leads to e.g., "Two times 3 equals 6” becomes “Tiny ants march, carrying sticks”). Their skills slowly improved and they liked the intervention

The Psychological Record
2/4 Ardila‑Sánchez, J.G., López‑López, W. Human Rights in Sociopsychological Perspective. Psychol Rec (2025).
(Open access) A discussion of human rights through the lens of sociopsychology, seemingly a unique Spanish-language take on behavioral analysis of culture

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market


Using Functional Analysis in Psychotherapy, Niklas Törneke (Available now)

Ethical Decision Making in Applied Behavior Analysis, Schwartz & Kelly (Available Mar. 2025)

New this quarter:

Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd Edition), Bailey & Burch

Multiculturalism and Diversity in Applied Behavior Analysis: Bridging Theory and Application (2nd Edition), Conners & Capell (Eds.)

Talk Behavior to Me: The Routledge Dictionary of the Top 150 Behavior Analytic Terms and Translations, Samuel

The Behavior of Social Justice, Parks et al.

A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior, Jessel & Sturmey (Eds.)

Handbook of Organizational Performance, Volume II, D. Johnson & C. Johnson (Eds.)





ABA Inside Track
February 2025 Preview

Episodes will include:


Generally these are produced by professionals

Let’s Be Frank: ABA Is About To Plunge Over A Demographic Cliff. Can It Survive The Landing?
Colleges are losing federal and state funds, leading to some closures and consolidations, increased tuition costs, and a focus on profits (eliminating small majors, etc.). All this while income inequality grows, population shrinks, and program quality is unknown. But if you look on the bright side,

New Data Show Global Prevalence of Autism
According to a new study in The Lancet, based on 2021 data, worldwide prevalence was 1 in 127 (about 0.8%), and twice as many males as females. The "1 in 36" rate for America was found in an earlier study that looked at case notes and was not dependent on official diagnoses

Licensing & professional organizations

ASAT Responds to The Skeptical Inquirer: “The Telepathy Tapes: A Dangerous Cornucopia of Pseudoscience”
The Telepathy Tapes is a popular podcast that promotes, you guessed it, facilitated communication, which was thoroughly debunked back in 1993

Call your Senators to #StopRFK now!

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Southern states are funding rural health, yet rejecting Medicaid and Rural hospitals push to be spared from possible funding cuts
As the new administration sows chaos in healthcare, particularly behavioral health and mental health parity in general, voters are determined to eliminate their basic human rights at the ballot box. Consider these articles in tandem: rejecting medicaid, closing rural hospitals, eliminating behavioral health treatment, all in the regions that suffer from the worst health outcomes. But if you look on the bright side, 

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Karen Pryor, dead at 92, NYT

This week the world lost a wonderful animal trainer and behaviorist, Karen Pryor. She practically fell backwards into dolphin training, but wrote so engagingly about it that her books became bestsellers. From her obituary, I learned that Deborah Skinner was a trainer with Karen (fortunately overcoming being raised in a box).

Continuing education


BehaviorLive now charges $25/month for “free” CEUs?

Verbal Beginnings has 2 CEUs on 2/26

Behavior University has 2 CEUs (SUP) on 2/12


History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes

Nearly 30 years ago, the brilliant Saul Axelrod looked at the state of behavior analysis and wondered: bro wtf. Today, we find popular culture even less interested in effective evidence-based treatment. But if you look on the bright side,