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Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
1/9 Ivanov, I. (2025), A durable dance partner. J Appl Behav Anal.
A memoriam for James Sherman. The author recalls how Sherman worked a ref during a club soccer game, using behavior modification of course 

Price, J. (2025), In memoriam: A dedicated mentor. J Appl Behav Anal.

Behavior Analysis in Practice
1/6 Copeland, S.R., Duffie, P. & Maez, R. Preparation of Behavior Analysts for School-based Practice. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
In a survey of 116 behavior analysts, most got no training about providing services in schools 

Fragale, D., Ruiz, S., Newsome, K.B. et al. Acting, Charting, and Fluency: Using a Modified SAFMEDS Procedure to Increase Recall in a Stage Actor and Non-Actor. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
Two participants did see-say (flashcard SAFMEDS) and hear-say (audio) practice of lines; hear-say worked best for both

1/7 Heward, W.L., Kimball, J.W. & Eshleman, J.W. Henry S. Pennypacker: It Is Not What You Call It, It’s What You Do that Makes the Difference. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
The wide-ranging legacy of Hank Pennypacker

1/8 Fruchtman, T., Jessel, J., Pan, B. et al. The Performance-based IISCA Can Inform Effective and Socially Meaningful Skill-based Treatment. Behav Analysis Practice (2025).
(Open access) The authors used a performance-based IISCA and treatment for 3 participants with dangerous behavior, and it was effective for all 3. Importantly, this is a method that can treat these behaviors without triggering the highest magnitude topographies. See Behavioral Interventions this week for an alternative take on the IISCA

Behavioral Interventions *
1/6 McCabe, L.H., Greer, B.D., Helvey, C.I. and Briggs, A.M. (2025), On the Evidence for Interactive Effects During and Following Synthesized Contingency Assessments. Behavioral Interventions, 40: e2074.
(Open access) The authors review 3 studies to examine whether synthesized contingencies show superior effects to isolated contingencies, and they find no evidence to support the assertion. Shots fired!

Perspectives on Behavior Science
1/7 Fuqua, R.W. Henry S. Pennypacker’s Contributions to Breast Cancer Detection: Developing a Behavioral Technology to Improve Breast Self-Exam Skills. Perspect Behav Sci (2025).
Hank Pennypacker was one of the main driving forces behind the breast self-exam, which is one of the most impactful mainstream behavior analysis projects in history

1/8 Lloveras, L.A., Tate, S.A., Vollmer, T.R. et al. The Compound Multiple-Baseline Design. Perspect Behav Sci (2025).
When multiple baselines are planned, they could be implemented at a time where the baseline trend is improving already; one possible solution is to implement the baseline across more than one condition at once, such as participant and environment. The authors discuss more about this topic

1/9 Regaço, A., Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D. et al. Naming, Stimulus Equivalence and Relational Frame Theory: Stronger Together than Apart. Perspect Behav Sci (2025).
(Open access) The authors discuss the convergence of stimulus equivalence, relational frame theory, and naming theory. They reference Schlinger & Blakely's recent article suggesting that derived relations may not exist. This is truly an interesting debate that I hope ends in a battle royale, Schlinger & Barnes-Holmes trapped in a leg lock, neither willing to tap out, with Jake Paul doing live commentary

Behavior and Social Issues
1/10 Kranak, M.P., Onofrio, O. Selecting Speakers for Behavior-Analytic Conferences: Policy Review and Recommendations. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2025).
Speakers are selected for "popularity," which tends to lead to a perpetuation of the same people being selected, as well as less representation

Behavior Modification *
1/10 Morris, S. L., & Joslyn, P. R. (2025). Applying Techniques From Precision Medicine to Predict Challenging Behavior and Inform Clinical Resource Allocation. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
The authors used latency to first aggression to predict rates of aggression, which they found to correlate, therefore suggesting a way to inform treatment

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
1/6 Martínez-Herrada, A., Pellón, R., & López-Tolsa, G. E. (2025). Temporal distribution of schedule-induced behavior depends on the essential value of the reinforcer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–20.
(Open access) In rats, there are at least two categories of schedule-induced behaviors: terminal and interim. Terminal is near the delivery of the reinforcer, and includes behaviors such as sticking their snout into the magazine where food is delivered; interim is at other times and includes competing behaviors such as polydipsia. If the reinforcer is high-value (e.g., sugary), then the rats do more terminal behaviors and less interim behaviors

1/10 Day-Watkins, J., Vladescu, J. C., Reed, D. D., Kaplan, B., Graham, M., & Schnell-Peskin, L. K. (2025). Optimizing Variables for Contingency Management Among Infant Caregivers Using a Simulated Purchase Task. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–13.
The authors use a "willingness to purchase" task that has been used to predict alcohol usage to examine variables that determine whether caregivers will arrange the environment according to safe infant sleep practices. They identify variables that include incentive sizes, condition duration, and participant variables

The Psychological Record
1/10 Silva Rodrigues, R., Garcia-Mijares, M. Fostering Creativity: The Role of Operant Variability on Problem-Solving and Insight. Psychol Rec (2025).
The authors used a modified game of Portal 2 to expose groups to low- or high-variability problem solving, followed by a novel problem. The high-variability group performed better, suggesting that high-variability operant behavior has effects on creativity and problem-solving. If you have a Steam account and the game Portal 2, you can play at this link; otherwise you can see it on video here

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Kaddouri, R.E., Nijhof, A.D., Brass, M. et al. Intact Neural Responding to Hearing One’s Own Name in Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2025).
Interestingly, the authors confirm that autistic children have similar brain activity to neurotypical children when hearing their own name

Journal of Behavioral Education
1/7 Demirtaş, Ş., Aykut, Ç. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Self-monitoring Intervention Package for Increasing Eye Contact in Children with Autism Using Wearable Eye Tracking. J Behav Educ (2025).
Kids used wearable eye-tracking, plus goal setting, self-monitoring, and reinforcement. It increased eye contact, which teachers and parents liked. For what it's worth, it appears that this study took place in Turkey, which may impact the social significance scores

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
1/8 Transforming Strain into Strength: Alleviating Stress and Burnout in Special Education Teachers with ACT Matrix Intervention
(In press) Special Ed teachers enjoyed Matrix training, and they had increases in scores of psychological flexibility and values-based actions, but mixed effects on burnout

1/9 A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Complex Interplay Between Psychological Flexibility and Sleep Health.
(In press) Psychological flexibility predicted sleep health, and acceptance and cognitive defusion appear to be the two most important factors

1/10 Examining Item Content Across Nine Psychological (In)flexibility Scales: What Do They Measure?
(In press) 9 psychological flexibility/inflexibility measurement tools did not have much overlap in their item selection

Single Case in the Social Sciences (5 articles, 5 open access)
An exciting new journal! Peer-reviewed, open under a Creative Commons license, no publishing fees.
The inaugural issue:
Letter from the Editor(s)
Using Brief Experimental Analysis to Compare the Effects of Reading Comprehension Interventions with a Middle School Student
Comparing the Effectiveness of Restricted-Operant and Free-Operant Teaching Arrangements on Measures of Acquisition and Fluency Outcomes
Impact of Protagonist Race on Preschoolers’ Engagement and Preferences in Book Reading: A Systematic Replication
Systematic Review of Gaps in Single Case Design Research: Evaluation of Study Quality and Rigor Using the Single Case Analysis and Review Framework

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market


Using Functional Analysis in Psychotherapy, Niklas Törneke (Available Jan. 2025)

Ethical Decision Making in Applied Behavior Analysis, Schwartz & Kelly (Available Mar. 2025)

New this quarter:

Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd Edition), Bailey & Burch

Multiculturalism and Diversity in Applied Behavior Analysis: Bridging Theory and Application (2nd Edition), Conners & Capell (Eds.)

Talk Behavior to Me: The Routledge Dictionary of the Top 150 Behavior Analytic Terms and Translations, Samuel

The Behavior of Social Justice, Parks et al.

A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior, Jessel & Sturmey (Eds.)

Handbook of Organizational Performance, Volume II, D. Johnson & C. Johnson (Eds.)





ABA Inside Track
Episode 297 - Matching Law

Behavioral Observations
Getting Staff Buy In: Session 286 with Anika Costa and Paulie Gavoni

Functional Relations
#25 - Matching Law in Real-Life Interventions w/ Dr. Brent Kaplan


Generally these are produced by professionals

A Solstice and a Whole Lot of Scallops
Baseball, scallops, and fixed intervals

The Reno Methodology 2.0: AI and Qualitative Insights in Verbal Behavior
Using qualitative data

Steve Hayes
What to Do When New Year’s Resolutions Falter: A New Way to Find Your Path Forward
Write your resolution, write the influences (positive and negative), explore the bidirectional influences, reflect and take action. Plus Steve Hayes plugs a new Patreon

My Best Friend: A Sibling’s Perspective

Licensing & professional organizations

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Rate Cuts, Quiet Dealmaking, More Favorable Workforce Trends Could Define Autism Therapy Industry in 2025
What’s on tap for 2025? Rate cuts, more RBTs (because less people are graduating from college), more private equity, and more AI. Additionally they are predicting permanent diarrhea, mushy peas, and biting that same spot in your mouth every time you eat.

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Invisible Habits Are Driving Your Life, The Atlantic
This article predictably gets into the weeds about intent versus habit. However, despite not coming to the behaviorist conclusion, the author describes how repeated behaviors are an environmental relation as opposed to some kind of conscious choice:

In a 2022 study, Wood and her colleagues asked people why they drank coffee. The participants said they did so when they were tired, but in fact, when they logged their coffee drinking, it was only weakly correlated with their fatigue. “They didn’t have a desire to drink coffee,” Wood said. “It was just the time when they typically did during the day.”

We’re going to review the personal behavior change books written by behaviorists.

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 1/16 (SUP), 1/23 (ETH), 1/28, 1/29


A game show…in a Skinner box?

In 2017, a YouTuber created the show Mind Field as a YouTube Original series. In episode 7 of season 3, they create a game show intended to induce superstitious responding in humans. Does it work?