Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
4/15 Weber, J. K., Brown, K. R., Retzlaff, B. J., Hurd, A. M., Anderson, H. J., & Smallwood, K. (2024). Retrospective consecutive controlled case series of outcomes for functional analyses of severe destructive behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–14.
(Open access) A review of 342 FAs conducted at a university outpatient clinic focused on treatment of destructive behavior (presumably Munroe-Meyer) finds that about half of initial FAs are differentiated, and more than 80% after a modification; there is an increase in tangible function over the years, which could be related to high-tech items; 12% of FAs are "idiosyncratic," which is most often "compliance with mands"

4/16 Armshaw, B., Vaidya, M., & Mehta, S. (2024). Surface electromyography-based biofeedback can facilitate recovery from total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–14.
Physical therapy after a knee surgery or replacement is enhanced by biofeedback

Behavior Analysis in Practice
4/17 Vargas Londono, F., Falcomata, T.S., Lim, N. et al. Do Cultural Adaptations Matter? Comparing Caregiver Training in Different Language for Latino Caregivers of Autistic Children: A Telehealth-Based Evaluation. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Parent training delivered via telehealth was most effective and socially significant when conducted in the learner's first language

Behavioral Interventions *
4/18 Amador, J. L., DeBar, R. M., Deshais, M. A., Gardner, A. W., & Sidener, T. M. (2024). A descriptive assessment of trial-based functional analysis research. Behavioral Interventions, e2020.
A literature review of trial-based functional analysis (TBFA), wherein a naturally occurring event is a trial and it is terminated as soon as there is an instance of problem behavior. They're pretty good!

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
4/17 Davison, M., & Cowie, S. (2024). The generalization-across-dimensions model applied to conditional temporal discrimination. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–19.
A formula didn't predict choice distribution because location exercised stimulus control over responding due to a relationship to the reinforcer

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions * Volume 26 Issue 2, April 2024 5 articles, 1 open access
Most intriguing: The Impact of Fidget Toys on Story Detail Acquisition and Visual Attention for Elementary Students With Autism "Fidget toys" didn't have an impact on attention, by one measure

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
4/16 Rakap, S., Balikci, S. Enhancing IEP Goal Development for Preschoolers with Autism: A Preliminary Study on ChatGPT Integration. J Autism Dev Disord (2024).
Why don't I post more from JADD, a journal which superficially seems to align with my interests? Here is but one example!

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
4/16 A randomized controlled trial comparing two guided self-help acceptance and commitment therapy formats to education on pain
(In press) In treating chronic pain, no difference was found between ACT delivered online, by a book, or in "online pamphlets" (I subscribe to all my pamphlets online now) 

FACT: A pilot study of process-based therapy to promote occupational well-being
(In press) ACT and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) appear to complement each other well, even in the workplace

4/17 Bridging Eating Disorder Symptoms and Psychological Flexibility and Inflexibility in Racially Diverse Emerging Adult Women: A Network Analysis
(Inpress) In eating disorders in women, two factors influence psychological inflexibility: lack of awareness and body dissatisfaction

4/20 The Developmental Trajectory of College Students’ Psychological Flexibility: Based on Latent Growth Model
(In press) Based on surveys in a university in China, I did not finish reading this one 

Telehealth acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with transdiagnostic health-related anxiety: A pilot randomized controlled trial
(In press) Telehealth and ACT: they work 

Two-session Contextual Couples Therapy via videoconferencing in Japan: A feasibility randomized controlled trial
(In press) 2 sessions improved relationship quality at 3 month follow ups. I love these kinds of studies where they try to figure out "what is the least amount of effort?"

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

Sloan publishing
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 273 - Schedule Thinning and FCR

Behavioral Observations
How to Use Whole Group Responding: Session 260 With Bill Heward
I have seen Bill Heward do a version of this presentation in real life (with Janet Twyman I think?) and it was subtly life-changing

Behavior Analysis in Practice- The Podcast
S6E7: Peer Feedback: Recommendations for Behavior Analysts’ Training and Supervision with Avner Fraidlin & Jessica Van Stratton


Generally these are produced by professionals

Getting Noticed in the 21st Century (So Far): Top Behavior Analysis Articles for Dissemination Impact
Many of the articles that get “noticed” (e.g., engagement online) are basically trolled by people who are not reading them. The ones that get more positive attention, and more attention overall, seem to be in JCBS.

Getting Noticed in the 21st Century (So Far): Top Behavior Analysis Articles for Scholarly Impact
Tom Critchfield with a double header: which articles are the most cited? The answer may surprise you! 

Curiosity, Humility and Collaboration in the Science and Practice of Behavior Analysis: Notes from a Winding Path

Considering Diagnoses Part 4: Diagnosis and Identity

Fostering Acceptance and Embracing Autism: The ASD Band Story

Licensing & professional organizations

Join ASAN and the Field Museum for an Autism Acceptance Month webinar!

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

‘Unsophisticated Providers May Start Falling by the Wayside’ as VBC, All-In-One Models Grow in Autism Therapy
One exec is quoted saying, essentially, that getting ABA right is a challenge all by itself. Meanwhile,

California’s proposed budget cuts would leave many autistic young adults without a safety net
Rate hikes are potentially paused, straining an already overwhelmed support system for California’s adults.

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Arkansas led the nation sending letters home from school about obesity. Did it help?, NPR
Did it help? No.

"You find out your child is asthmatic, and you can get an inhaler, right?" she said. "You find out that your child is overweight and where do you even go from there? What do you do?"

'Food is Medicine' put to test in Mississippi Delta, Modern Healthcare
Will it help? Maybe. Rather than merely stating a problem, it also provides information and resources about correcting the problem. 

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 4/18, 4/24 (SUP)


Fred Keller interviewed 

Fred Keller, a true legend, interviewed in the most 80s chair I’ve ever seen outside of gamgam’s house.