Scholarly publications
Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
12/12 Melanson, I. J., Fahmie, T. A., Ferris, E. L., & Rahaman, J. A. (2024). Validating social reinforcer classes for low-severity challenging behavior identified by sensitivity tests. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–16.
The authors attempt to preemptively establish a sensitivity test as a form of FA for mild behaviors, rather than waiting for severe behaviors to develop. They find that there is overlap with their sensitivity test and a typical FA, but not with mands. Their graphs are visible here
Podlesnik, C. A., Ritchey, C. M., Muething, C., & Falligant, J. M. (2024). Different criteria affect prevalence of relapse of behavior targeted for treatment. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–7.
The authors assert that most studies of relapse use an average of 5 sessions to estimate rates of behavior, which they argue could underestimate relapse due to transition through treatment. They re-ran data with a different criterion, using the mean of behavior in the last 2 sessions, and they found evidence for their hypothesis
Behavior Analysis in Practice
12/10 Weiss, M.J. Ethics Dialogue: Spelling to Communicate – Reply by Mary Jane Weiss. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Mary Jane Weiss argues that Spelling to Communicate is inappropriate as an intervention because of a lack of evidence, and a similarity to a harmful intervention
Marques, N.S., de Araújo Pereira, F.N., Rodrigues, L.F. et al. The Production of Knowledge by Women Behavior Analysts in Brazil. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
The authors find that in Brazil from 2010-2022, women are authors on behavior-analytic publications from 63-89% of the time, but primary authors from 38-75% of the time, implying inequality
Behavioral Interventions *
12/10 Schreck, K.A., Lyon, J., Leslie, J. and Wilson, S. (2025), Television's Mixed Messages: Choose the Best and Mute the Rest (The Sequel). Behavioral Interventions, 40: e2066.
(Open access)The authors find that non-evidence based practices are mentioned more in the media, and while it is often negative framing, due to the extent of the coverage they also receive more positive comments. For evidence based practices, ABA is most frequently mentioned
Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (RMAC)
Sadly it appears that the (web 1.0) RMAC website is down.
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
12/10 Mason, L., Bolds, A., Gavagan, M. et al. Understanding Echoics: Identifying Predictive Indicators of Vocal Imitation. Analysis Verbal Behav (2024).
(Open access) The authors used 118 VB-MAPP learner profiles to establish which skills might be prerequisites for an echoic repertoire. Mand skills may be most important, followed by vocal play and motor imitation
Education and Treatment of Children
Johnson, Z.G., Houchins, D., Varjas, K. et al. Improving Student On-Task Behavior, Teacher Engagement, and Math Achievement through Blended Learning: A Single-Case Design Study. Educ. Treat. Child. (2024).
3 students with emotional-behavioral disorders had remedial math lessons delivered in a blended format, which means partially face-to-face and partially using a computer program. The students and teachers preferred this condition, and 2/3 student's scores improved
12/12 Pulos, J.M., Riden, B.S., Peltier, C. et al. Fostering Positive Learning Environments: Are General and Special Education Teachers From One School District Using Research-Informed and Evidence-Based Practices?. Educ. Treat. Child. (2024).
(Open access) Teachers in 1 school district in the northeast feel that they are not well-trained in evidence-based practices (survey results here), but do largely feel that positive approaches are effective
Lee, E.O., Michael, E. & Benner, G.J. Navigating the Challenges of Structured Social and Emotional Programming. Educ. Treat. Child. (2024).
Teachers are leaving the profession, and one reason may be a lack of support with behavioral challenges. The authors discuss a pilot program for teaching social/emotional skills, which the authors argue will help teachers
The Psychological Record
12/10 Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C. Process-Based Behavior Therapy (PBBT®): Where Relational Frame Theory Meets Clinical Practice. Psychol Rec (2024).
The authors describe process-based behavior therapy, which is summarized here as well
12/12 Bugallo, M. On the Constancy of the Rate of Responding under Variable-Interval Schedules. Psychol Rec (2024).
This is a very inside-baseball investigation of VI schedules. The author experiments with probabilities of reinforcement within a VI schedule to attempt to achieve relatively constant rates of reinforcement
Book publications
Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market
New Harbinger
ACT and Applied Behavior Analysis: A Practical Guide to Ensuring Better Behavior Outcomes Using Acceptance and Commitment Training, Thomas Szabo
Training Human Service Staff: Evidence-Based Strategies for Promoting Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Trainee Acceptance, Reid & Green
A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior, Jessel & Sturmey
Talk Behavior to Me: The Routledge Dictionary of the Top 150 Behavior Analytic Terms and Translations, Kendall Samuel
The Behavior of Social Justice: Applying Behavior Analysis to Understand and Challenge Injustice, Parks et al.
Handbook of Organizational Performance, Volume I: Foundations and Advances, Edited by Douglas Johnson & C Merle Johnson
Psychology Essentials for Behavior Analysts, Edited by Toby & Ranade
Writing Skills for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide for Students and Clinicians, Edited by Reinecke, Knihtila, Papazian, Heyman & Bratton
Behavior Modification: What It Is and How To Do It, Martin & Pear
Sloan publishing
When Text Speaks: Learning to Read & Reading to Learn, Ross & Greer
Reflections on Behaviorism and Society: Extended Edition, 2024, B. F. Skinner
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten
Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)
2023: A list here
ABA Inside Track
Episode 295 - Ableism in Schools
Behavioral Observations
Deconstructing Compassionate ABA: Session 283 with Greg Hanley
Functional Relations
#25 - Matching Law in Real-Life Interventions w/ Dr. Brent Kaplan
Generally these are produced by professionals
ABAI blogs
TEAR IT ALL DOWN (Why Behavior Analysis Needs “Hippies Steppin’ on the Flag”)
What if reinforcement doesn't "strengthen" a response? What if extinction is not just "withholding reinforcement?" Tom Critchfield highlights interesting critical articles
Licensing & professional organizations
Take Action on Fair Pay for Disabled Workers with a Public Comment!
Business world
Autism services, behavioral health, etc.
UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids With Autism
Optum, the arm of UHC that manages mental health, strategically plans (in writing) to deny ABA treatment as much as they think they can get away with. Another story reported by ProPublica found that Cigna used a computer program to deny claims in bulk. The current CEO of UHC says that the system is “flawed,” which we will now re-write to avoid the passive voice: “We flawed the healthcare system.”
Accidentally behavior analysis
A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis
West Virginia educators ask for lawmakers help with student behavioral issues in their classrooms, MetroNews
West Virginia University has a storied behavior analysis program, believe it or not, and despite the university having some financial issues, it still exists. So, why are school teachers asking “lawmakers” for help, and what kind of help do they expect?
“However, when those disruptions turn violent it is difficult to follow a PBIS system because the behavior has gone from zero to 100 in a matter of minutes,” Laughlin said.
They have a PBIS system in place, but they don’t want to use it.
“I’m not allowed to take recess from them at all, so consequences in schools are very very limited,” Haynes said during the interim meeting.
Ah yes, they want to punish kids more than the current law allows.
Continuing education
BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 12/18 (SUP)
The image quality is poor, but the audio is acceptable. Imagine a scientist like BF Skinner appearing on…Jimmy Fallon? Maybe because we don’t see this anymore, people are drifting to manosphere podcasts.