Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
5/6 Jimenez-Gomez, C., Hannula, C., Liggett, A. P., Shvarts, S., & Podlesnik, C. A. (2024). Evaluating functions of praise for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–15.
Praise was paired with an edible reinforcer; after the edible was removed, the praise statement helped maintain responding to the task. The same praise statements alone did not result in acquisition of a new skill

5/9 Strohmeier, C. W., Cengher, M., Chin, M. D., & Falligant, J. M. (2024). Application of a terminal schedule probe method to inform schedule thinning with multiple schedules. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–19.
The authors conducted a terminal probe to determine an appropriate S-delta starting point in order to thin multiple schedules. Their results show that their process was more effective than a typical dense-to-lean fading

Journal of Organizational Behavior Management * Volume 44 Issue 2 5 articles, 1 open access
Most intriguing: Managerial Behavioral Training For Functional Leadership: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Behavioral Interventions *
5/8 Yang, Y.-C., Wilder, D. A., Fernand, J. K., & McChristie, A. (2024). The effect of variable delays to reinforcement on the acquisition of tacts in children with autism. Behavioral Interventions, e2025.
Tacts are acquired more quickly when reinforcement is delivered without a fixed delay; this study looks at variable delays and finds the same result

5/10 Schmidt, J., Krantz, J., King, H., Vetter, J., & Maruska, C. (2024). Using a brief experimental analysis for writing speed intervention identification. Behavioral Interventions, e2019.
In 1 subject, a BFA revealed that writing speed was fastest with fixed ratio reinforcement and response dependent reinforcer magnitude. This reminds me of when they used a BFA to figure out how to coach a football player

Perspectives on Behavior Science
5/6 Craig, A.R., Smith, S.W., Nall, R.W. et al. Abstinence as Choice: Exploring Voluntary Abstinence from Alcohol Self-Administration Using the Resurgence-as-Choice Framework. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
The authors argue that abstinence can be a choice (e.g., a person is able to drink alcohol at any time), while most research approaches the topic as resurgence. In rats, they arranged multiple schedules of reinforcement that would prevent rats from drinking alcohol, but when the alternative schedules were disrupted, the rats would return to alcohol. However, they conclude that this is not enough data to differentiate between resurgence and choice

5/9 Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D. Recent Developments in RFT Encourage Interbehavioral Field-Based Views of Human Language and Cognition: A Preliminary Analysis. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
(Open access) The authors describe recent fieldwork in RFT and call for more theory based on fieldwork

Behavior and Social Issues
5/6 Greer, R.D., Weber, J. & Sun, Y. A Strategic Science of Teaching for a More Just Education System. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
The CABAS model is described (the creation of the primary author), which is an educational system based on behavior analytic principles. The model is (at least in theory) more equitable 

Murdoch, A., Morrison, J.Q. & Strickler, W. Process Evaluation of a Problem-Solving Approach for Analyzing Literacy Practices within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
(Open access) A structured problem solving process led to teachers implementing reading interventions with increased fidelity

5/9 Zuch, C., Belisle, J., Paliliunas, D. et al. A Model Dependent Scoping Review of Research on Sexism and Racism in Major Behavior Analytic Journals. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
From 2000-2022 in 10 behavior analytic journals, there were only 3 studies on sexism or racism that were applied

5/10 Abdool-Ghany, F., Fienup, D. A Preliminary Analysis of Incidental Bidirectional Naming and Derived Listener and Speaker Relations for Literacy Responses. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
(Open access) Incidental learning is when a person learns something by listening/observing, but not responding; some kids demonstrated incidental bidirectional naming (e.g., listener and speaker behavior), some kids demonstrated incidental unidirectional naming (e.g., just listener), some kids did neither. In a second experiment they taught the kids bidirectional naming and they give tips on how to use this strategy

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
5/9 Cook, J. L., Baruni, R. R., Pinkston, J. W., Rapp, J. T., Miltenberger, R. G., Deshmukh, S., Walker, E., & Tai, S. (2024). Comparing stimulus preference and response force in a conjugate preparation: A replication with auditory stimulation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–14.
Participants squeezed an apparatus that would increase the clarity of music; 63% squeezed hardest for their self-reported favorite genre

The Psychological Record
5/6 Laporte, F.F., de Melo, R.M. From the Jones-Plug to the Amphora: Could Stemmer´s Theory of Language Acquisition Complement Skinner´s Theory of Listener Behavior?. Psychol Rec (2024).
Nathan Stemmer appears to have had a forward-thinking theory of language. Skimming one of his articles, it appears he had some ideas that overlapped with RFT 

Simon, C. Selection of Words in Ontogeny. Psychol Rec (2024).
(Open access) The experimenter said "hmm" and "yes" when a subject (63 total subjects) said certain words, and the frequency of those words increased for 3 of 4 words

5/8 Fox, A.E. Immediate Reinforcement Training Has Moderate Effect on Delay Discounting Behavior in Rats: A Systematic Replication. Psychol Rec (2024).
Rats exposed to immediate reinforcement have a small increase in impulsive choice on a delay discounting task

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
5/8 Lotfizadeh, A.D., Gard, B., Rico, C. et al. Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS). J Autism Dev Disord (2024).
The VB-MAPP assessment has a high correlation with the Vineland, though the VB-MAPP barriers assessment did not correlate with the maladaptive behavior score

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
5/8 Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (In press) ACT works better with younger people; more sessions are better for long-term abstinence; and ACT is more effective than CBT

5/9 Unveiling the mirage of mindfulness profiles through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(In press) The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire has a mindfulness profile; after a mindfulness intervention, the mindfulness profiles of participants were more homogeneous. The authors suggest that the mindfulness profile needs more scrutiny before it can be deemed useful 

Effectiveness of an abbreviated version of the automated attention training technique (ATT) for stress reduction in a non-clinical sample—A randomized controlled trial
(In press) The brief version of the ATT had greater effects and greater adherence than a longer version 

The Impact of Functional Class and Depressive Symptomatology on Rule-Based Insensitivity
(In press) Following rules makes people less sensitive to actual contingencies; depression ratings have no effect on this

European Journal of Behavior Analysis
5/9 Speckman, J., Du, L., & Sun, Y. (2024). Gather ‘round and listen close: Increasing responding to voices in children with autism. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1–15.
Four participants had a response (pressing an onscreen button on an ipad) paired with a (recorded) voice and a preferred stimulus. All 4 increased their response to voices

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

Sloan publishing
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 275 - Toilet Training Revisited w/ Dr. Maeve Donnelly

Behavior Analysis in Practice
S6E8: Modeling Behavioral Persistence with Resurgence as Choice in Context (RaC2): A Tutorial with Brianna Laureano & John Michael Falligant
Re-posting due to the “resurgence as choice” article in PoBS


Generally these are produced by professionals

CONNECTIONS (#2 of 5): Parsing the Human-Neanderthal Puzzle, With Help From Hart and Risley
Could the "30 million word gap" explain the dominance of humans?

Capitalizing on an Entirely Different Type of Emergence

Licensing & professional organizations

4 Bierman centers certified

ABA practice guidelines 3.0
These are guidelines that are essentially written for funding sources. An interesting insight into what we want insurance companies to see

The Crucial Role of Replication in Scientific Validation and Identification of Evidence-based Practices

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

New Autism Deals Needed to Redefine Valuation Standards
Private equity is staying out of ABA until they're sure it's a safer bet. Kind of like waiting to play the slots until you see someone else hit a jackpot. Private equity!

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Large Scientific Review Confirms the Benefits of Physical Touch, NYT
What if there is a treatment effect in simply interacting with another person? What if that explains chiropractors, massage, acupuncture, rolfing, energy healing, talk therapy, and other “treatments” with no evidence base? What about the fact that doctors being nice actually improves patient outcomes? What about having friends staving off depression and dementia? Imagine a private equity-funded future where a minimum-wage employee in a decommissioned McDonald’s puts their hand on your shoulder and listens intently to you for up to 60 seconds (with qualifying health insurance).

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 5/14 (SUP), 5/23 (SUP), 5/29, 5/30


The very first issue of BAIP

Here are all the issues of BAIP (free to read after 1 year). In the first issue, besides the cool brown color scheme (bring it back!!), you’ll learn that the journal itself was inspired by ABAI’s premier blogger himself, Tom Critchfield.