Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Behavior Analysis in Practice
2/23 Kozlowski, A.M., Clark, R., Workman, B. et al. Utensil Fading to Increase Appropriate Utensil Acceptance. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Utensil fading (as in, fading the utensils into use) can be effective in children with feeding difficulties; the appendix has excellent illustrations to show how this might look

Journal of Organizational Behavior Management * Volume 44, Issue 1 (2024) 5 articles, 1 open access
Most intriguing: Effects of Feedback Timing on Accuracy of Functional Analysis Implementation
People want feedback before the next performance

2/18 Summer Bottini, Julie M. Slowiak & Amanda Kazee (2024) Conceptualizing Job Burnout Through a Behavioral Lens: Implications for Organizational Behavior Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, DOI: 10.1080/01608061.2024.2319623
A behavior-analytic conceptualization of burnout, plus behavioral ways of addressing it

Behavioral Interventions *
2/19 Hickey, C. R., Reeve, S. A., Reeve, K. F., Deshais, M. A., & Vladescu, J. C. (2024). Using general-case procedures outside of autism intervention: A systematic review. Behavioral Interventions, e2000.
Teaching using general-case procedures is essentially concept formation (a classic must-read), involving teaching examples and non-examples. Typically this is done in ABA, but the author recommends using the technology in other applications such as OBM. The author notes that researchers do not typically test for generalization

2/21 Kemp, J. M., Ethridge, A. N., Richling, S. M., Drummond, C. Z., & Soto, J. A. (2024). Is “M&M® therapy” a misnomer or a concerning truth? A descriptive analysis of the use of edible reinforcers in applied behavior analytic research. Behavioral Interventions, e2005.
First of all, great title. Second, the authors find that, in 6 behavior analytic journals across 3 years, approximately less than 1/3 of published works include edible reinforcement

Behavior and Social Issues
2/22 Robbins, J.K., Herzog, L., King, K. et al. Math Matters: From the Basics to Problem Solving in a South African Township. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
South African public education is (according to the authors) subpar; they have implemented a professional development system using the Morningside model, which they describe

Behavior Modification *
2/19 Aydin, O. (2024). A Description of Missing Data in Single-Case Experimental Designs Studies and an Evaluation of Single Imputation Methods. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
Missing data (e.g., a learner is absent from a classroom and there are missing sessions, see more here) is handled in different ways by different researchers, and even by different software. This author suggests what he says is a simple fix, but since it involves statistics, I don't even understand enough to agree with him

2/23 Peart, A. M., Drevon, D. D., & Jasper, A. D. (2024). A Comparison of Single-Case Effect Measures Using Check-In Check-Out Data. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
Different statistical tests, when applied to various single-case design studies on check-in check-out (e.g., a kid checks in about their behavior at the start and end of the day with a teacher), find the intervention effective. However some tests show different impacts

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
2/21 Mitchell, S.H. (2024), Editorial: Process and progress. J Exp Anal Behav.
Some behind-the-scenes reflections from an incoming editor in chief

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions *
2/24 Bloomfield, B. S., Fox, R. A., & Leif, E. S. (2024). Multi-Tiered Systems of Educator Professional Development: A Systematic Literature Review of Responsive, Tiered Professional Development Models. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 0(0).
(Open access) Tiered support for teaching teachers (e.g., everyone initially gets BST, then people who aren't performing to criterion get extra coaching) is used sometimes, but there are differences in tier 2 and 3 support

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
2/21 Thompson, H.E., Hanson, R.J. The Use of a Behavior Chain Interruption Strategy to Teach Mands for Help with an Adult with Intellectual Disability and Deaf-Blindness. Analysis Verbal Behav (2024).
(Open access) In an EO condition (items not available, etc.) a man was taught to use a button for help; in an AO condition (items available, etc.) he did not use the response

2/23 Salomonsen, R., Eldevik, S. Effects of Serial Multiple Exemplar Training on Bidirectional Naming in Children with Autism. Analysis Verbal Behav (2024).
(Open access) Serial multiple exemplar training (e.g., training a child to say "car" for 3 distinct cars, then testing for generalization) induces bi-directional naming, which implies it can be an efficient and effective teaching strategy

Education and Treatment of Children
2/22 Maiden, M.E., Ampuero, M.E. & Kostewicz, D.E. A Comparison of Repeated Reading and Listening While Reading to Increase Oral Reading Fluency in Children. Educ. Treat. Child. (2024).
3 conditions were compared: repeated read-aloud, reading while listening, and repeated silent reading. All increased fluency, but repeated silent reading also increased the rate of incorrect words. The authors conclude that error-correction is a necessary component of fluent reading

The Psychological Record
2/21 Gayman, C.M., Jimenez, S.T., Rocheleau, J.M. et al. An Evaluation of Asynchronous Online Discussion Board Formats in Interteaching. Psychol Rec (2024).
3 conditions were used for online discussions: normal posts, no posts, and interteach (posts, and comments on other's posts). Students liked interteach, but test scores were the same in all conditions (it’s true that learner preference doesn’t have much bearing on performance)

2/23 Hranchuk, K., Greer, R.D. General Reflections on Interactions between Cross-Disciplinary Theories of Human Language Development. Psychol Rec (2024).
Comparison of language development models within behavior analysis, as well as some models outside of behavior analysis

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
2/21 Through the extended evolutionary meta-model, and what ACT found there: ACT as a process-based therapy
(Open access) ACT is described as a flexible model that can incorporate modalities from other treatments, and includes a case study example

2/23 Oncovox: A randomised controlled trial of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy for breast cancer patients
(In press) An internet-delivered ACT treatment was effective in several respects for breast cancer patients, mainly in increasing psychological flexibility

2/24 Suicidality, gender identity-related stressors, and psychological flexibility among transgender and non-binary adults
(In press) More stress leads to higher ratings of suicidality; more inflexibility leads to higher ratings of suicidality

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 268 - Discussion on Neurodiversity

Behavioral Health Business
Perspectives Podcast: Breanne Hartley, Chief Clinical Officer and Co-Founder, UNIFI Autism Care


Generally these are produced by professionals

No One Wants to Watch This Cage Match
Tom Critchfield's challenge, to submit an essay positing that "behavior analysis is better" (or not) got 5 entries but very few votes on a winner

Licensing & professional organizations

BHCOE Appoints Allison Allgood as Vice President of Clinical Standards

OBM Network
OBM Network Conference Registration Open April 11-12, 2024 in Houston, Texas (In-person & Live streaming)
Some great speakers; $160 for 12 CEUs

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Healthcare staffing demands outpace post-pandemic hiring efforts
The healthcare workforce has rebounded and expanded since covid, but has not kept pace with overall needs

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Private equity squeezed a Pennsylvania coal plant dry—then dumped its workers, Fast Company

I am going to write something at some point about how 99% of private equity companies are delay discounting in action

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 2/28 


The first article published in JABA

The first edition includes parent training, punishment for smoking, “7 dimensions,” and more – a variety that might be welcome today.