Scholarly publications
Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)
Behavior Analysis in Practice
2/5 LaMarca, V.J., LaMarca, J.M. Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design to Create Programming for Comprehensive ABA Treatment. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Guidelines for developing a comprehensive treatment plan
2/6 Cividini-Motta, C., Livingston, C. & Efaw, H. Systematic Review of Differential Reinforcement in Skill Acquisition. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
In a review of 10 articles where most of the participants were autistic males with vocal ability, a few features were identified as more effective in differential reinforcement: praise for prompted responses and edibles for independent; manipulations of the schedule were more effective than manipulations of magnitude or quality
2/8 Habel, N., Bonaventura, S. & Deochand, N. The Development of a Behavior Plan Quality Assurance Instrument in a Publicly Funded System of Care. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
A discussion of quality assurance measures and procedures
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
2/8 Shahan, T. A., Sutton, G. M., Van Allsburg, J., Avellaneda, M., & Greer, B. D. (2024). Resurgence Following Higher or Lower Quality Alternative Reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–13.
In a study of resurgence, two experiments were conducted where alternative reinforcers were of higher and lower quality. Resurgence was less likely with a reinforcer of higher quality
Education and Treatment of Children
2/6 Feil, E.G., Small, J.W., Walker, H.M. et al. The Revision of First Step to Success: A Process Evaluation Study of First Step Next. Educ. Treat. Child. (2024).
First Step, a program to address challenging behaviors in mainstream classrooms, was compared to a revision of the program entitled First Step Next. Both were found to be effective and acceptable
The Psychological Record
2/6 Armstrong, C.H., Hoge, E.A. Associations of Delay Discounting Rate with Anxiety Disorder Symptomatology and Diagnoses. Psychol Rec (2024).
Delay discounting (when a "reward" is devalued by a delay) is implicated in various behavior disorders. In a 3 year study, the authors found that delay discounting did not correlate with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder; further, it did not correlate with a startle response. This is an initial finding that panic and/or fear may not correlate with rates of delay discounting
2/7 Simon, C. A Multiscale View of Verbal Behavior. Psychol Rec (2024).
(Open access) A somewhat complicated study of verbal behavior that finds that people tend to start and end complex group projects with similar language
2/9 Greer, R.D., Dudek, J. & Chang, H. Observation, Language Learning, and Development: The Verbal Behavior Development Theory. Psychol Rec (2024).
An interesting account of human language development that posits that observational learning has different aspects, including: "learning through imitation, duplication of outcomes, understanding consequences of observed behaviors, acquiring new reinforcers, incidental unidirectional and bidirectional naming, and more."
Journal of Behavioral Education
2/6 Tereshko, L.M., Zane, T. & Weiss, M.J. The Effect of Choice on Student Performance in Online Graduate Classes. J Behav Educ (2024).
In an online course, when students were given a choice of assignments to complete, their scores were higher
2/7 Bowman, K.S., Tereshko, L., Marshall, K.B. et al. The Perceptions and Experiences of Professionals Collaborating with Behavior Analysts. J Behav Educ (2024).
School personnel, in a survey, reportedly value collaboration with BCBAs. However...they report issues and barriers with actual collaboration
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
Development and validation of a Japanese version of the teachers acceptance and action questionnaire
ABA Inside Track
February 2024 Preview
Episodes include:
(LISTENER CHOICE) Preventing Burnout
Discussion on Neurodiversity
Systemic and Sustainable Change Toward Equity w/ Dr. Noor Syed
Building Better Business in ABA
Episode 91: Helping People Help People with Mordechai Meisels
Generally these are produced by professionals
5 Perspectives on the “Betterness” of Behavior Analysis And you can vote on the best one!
Essential Viewing for Fans of Verbal Behavior: The Catania-Chomsky Interview
Really cool and unexpected video interview series
News Flash: Artificial Intelligence Discovers That Babies Can Learn Language!
Interesting: large lanuage model AI (LLM) famously trains their AI with hundreds of thousands of pages of text. Babies do not read hundreds of thousands of books, so...?
Brilliant Children. Broken Systems: The Importance of the Science of Behavior in Today’s Reading Crisis
A science-of-reading guest blog by Denise Ross, who is an incredible source of information on the subject
7 Ways to Occupy a Behavior Analyst During the Super Bowl
As a football-hater, I'm into it
Press Release: OAR Releases Spanish Translation of A Guide for Military Families
Licensing & professional organizations
ACBS website has a new look
The SEED Model for ACT Supervision - a free ebook
I like free. Find the book here
Treatment summary: Lego®-Based Therapy
Would you be surprised to hear that there is not yet strong evidence for this intervention?
OBM Network
OBM Network Conference Registration Open April 11-12, 2024 in Houston, Texas (In-person & Live streaming)
Some great speakers; $160 for 12 CEUs
Business world
Autism services, behavioral health, etc.
‘Groundswell’ of States Pursue Medicaid for Incarcerated People Pre-Release After California’s Success
I cannot wait for the private equity investment bonanza into (checks notes)...drug rehab for felons.
Accidentally behavior analysis
A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis
Feeling Stuck? Here Are 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Life., NYT
Some pretty good ideas, including values work (ACT), public commitment (some success in changing behavior), adjusting response effort, “futurecasting” (just values work, again), and committed action (ACT). Surely the NYT has space for Steve Hayes on their opinion page?
Continuing education
BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 2/15 (SUP), 2/22, 2/28
Courtesy of, check out the people who were signing the online guestbook (remember those? No? Oh me either) in 2002.