Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
6/2 Lambert, J. M., Osina, M. A., & Copeland, B. A. (2024). Reinforcer value moderates response magnitude and persistence during extinction: A randomized trial. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–20.
(Open access) In a translational study, the authors used a matching task to manipulate the cost of reinforcers and the effort of consuming reinforcers; neither had a consistent effect on extinction bursts, but the authors discuss extinction burst in detail and include some already-known facts from previous research in their discussion

6/7 Leif, E. S., Kelenc-Gasior, N., Bloomfield, B. S., Furlonger, B., & Fox, R. A. (2024). A systematic review of social-validity assessments in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: 2010–2020. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–18.
(Open access) In 10 years, approximately 18% of articles in JABA (160) reported social validity data, most frequently asking recipients of treatment to rate its acceptability on a Likert scale. The authors detail other trends and make recommendations 

Diaz de Villegas, S. C., Dozier, C. L., Kanaman, K. C., Leslie, S. C., & Kamlowsky, M. E. (2024). Comparison of synchronous reinforcement and accumulated reinforcement for increasing on-task behavior in preschoolers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–17.
Synchronous (e.g., momentary) reinforcement was compared to cumulative reinforcement for on-task behavior in 7 preschoolers; they performed better with synchronous reinforcement, though for some students other schedules were equally effective

Behavior Analysis in Practice
6/5 Cox, D.J. The Challenges Ahead: Concepts, Analytics, and Ethics of Value-Based Care in Applied Behavior Analysis. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
A high-level discussion of value-based care; there are some citations in the footnotes if you want to learn more

6/7 Mattson, S.L., Higbee, T.S., Nichols, B. et al. Effects of an Activity Schedule Intervention Package on Cooperative Vocal Exchanges During Learning Centers. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Activity schedules increased cooperative behavior in 3 pairs; 2/3 continued to exhibit cooperative behavior after fading the activity schedules

Behavioral Interventions *
6/8 Wei, L.-C. and Chiu, H.-J. (2024), Response to “Adapting preference assessments and reinforcement schedules to increase mask wearing with adults with intellectual disabilities”. Behavioral Interventions e2033.
Two Taiwanese mental health practitioners briefly share how they have increased mask wearing at their center, which includes "choice and reinforcement," as well as a visual and trained staff

Perspectives on Behavior Science
6/4 Kim, M., Koffarnus, M.N. & Franck, C.T. Thinking Inside the Bounds: Improved Error Distributions for Indifference Point Data Analysis and Simulation Via Beta Regression using Common Discounting Functions. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
I couldn't even finish reading the title

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
6/4 Caron, P.-O. (2024). Treatments for undefined log ratios in matching analyses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–10.
(Open access) In conducting a matching analysis, if behavior is zero the data cannot be analyzed (I think this is basically a "divide by zero" issue). The author suggests solutions 

Sheridan, D. J., Rapp, J. T., Edgemon, A. K., & Pinkston, J. W. (2024). Assessing stimulus preference using response force in a conjugate preparation: A replication and extension. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–17.
96 participants vocally stated preferences for pictures in an array, which resulted in a ranked order. When shown the images on a computer, the participants could squeeze a hand dynamometer to make the image clearer. About 75% of the force corresponded with vocal statements of choice

The Psychological Record
6/5 Amd, M. Relational Cues are Affectively Differentiated. Psychol Rec (2024).
An RFT study finds that relational cues (more vs. less) and functional cues (happier vs. unhappier) have effects that are predicted by the functional category alone, whereas the opposite was previously thought to be true

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
6/7 Pope, L., Light, J. & Laubscher, E. The Effect of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and Aided AAC on the Language Development of Children on the Autism Spectrum with Minimal Speech: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord (2024).
(Open access) NDBIs have a large effect on language development (for more see here) and an even larger effect is seen when combined with an AAC device

Journal of Behavioral Education
6/5 Rakap, S., Balikci, S. Enhancing Preschool Teachers' Use of Pyramid Model Practices Through Coaching Intervention. J Behav Educ (2024).
(Open access) Preschool teachers (in Turkey) were trained and coached in a social-emotional intervention. The teachers effectively used the intervention and problem behaviors in the children decreased

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

Sloan publishing
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
June 2024 Preview

Ethics Book Club w/ Dr. Linda LeBlanc + Dr. Amanda Karsten


Neurodiversity, pt. 2 - The Neurodiversity Panel w/ Alex Astrella, Michelle LaFrance, + Brian Middleton

Behavioral Observations
Buffers That Protect Against Adverse Childhood Experiences: Session 265 with Camille Kolu


Generally these are produced by professionals

¡Démosles algo de qué hablar!

CONNECTIONS (#6 of 6): An Aerial View
Tom Critchfield makes the case that you should know more

Be Your Best Advocate: Tips for Building Confidence in your Social Skills

Licensing & professional organizations

Join Us! June 18th Advocacy 101 Webinar

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Behavioral Innovations Sells to New PE Owner, Marking Biggest Deal of 2024 So Far with a $300m sale, from one PE company to another, which is great for someone (???) especially when you consider Autism Centers Eye Sale-Leasebacks to Unlock Capital because it's better to sell, and then lease, your own assets. Meanwhile ABA has caught up to the medical field because everyone everywhere hates their EHR system. Maybe Oracle can sell it off and lease it back?

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Anti-vax blogger retracts critique of study that debunked vaccination-autism link, The Transmitter
The anti-vax blogger cited [no longer a doctor] Andrew Wakefield, the man who is virtually entirely responsible for the “vaccines cause autism” scare. A few years ago, a video game YouTuber produced an incredibly entertaining and informative video that covers the history.

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 6/13 (ETH), 6/26, 


You can read the introduction, linked above, and see how little has changed in 60 years. You can read the full book on the Internet Archive, and see what Zig could do on his website. If you want to learn how to write programming like Zig, you can read that too