Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Behavior Analysis in Practice
10/29 Kelly, A., Bollinger, L., Chiu, J. et al. The Right to Effective Behavioral Treatment Revisited: Ethical Expectations for Behavior Analysts Today. Behav Analysis Practice (2024). In a week in which Tom Critchfied in the ABAI blogs makes a note of the problem with ancient citations, we have a revisitation of an article from nearly 40 years ago 

Wilson, J.B., Lesack, R.S. Parent Perceptions of Behavior Analytic Interventions. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
In an interesting survey, parents were asked about how acceptable they found certain interventions, and some of those were drawn from behavior analytic principles. The survey is in the appendix

Perspectives on Behavior Science
10/29 Morris, S.L., Bridges, K.G. On the Identification and Use of Social versus Nonsocial Reinforcers: A Review of Research Practices. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
(Open access) In a review covering 5 journals over 9 years, the authors find that nonsocial reinforcers are typically individualized, while social reinforcers are not.

Behavior Modification *
10/27 Exline, E., McGinnis, K., Garza, S. R., Gerow, S., Sulak, T. N., & Austin, M. (2024). Progressive Functional Analysis and Function-Based Intervention Via Telehealth: A Replication and Extension. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
In 47 clients, 36 had a function that was identified. 17 participated in a treatment phase, and all achieved a reduction of maladaptive behavior of 80% or more

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions *
10/27 Austin, S. C., Hammond, M. A., & Seeley, J. R. (2024). Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Substance Misuse in Secondary Schools. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 0(0).
The authors find that self-report of substance use is much higher than office referrals, though there is a correlation. Also tier 2 interventions are associated with less reported substance use and office referrals

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
10/28 Emotion dysregulation and psychological inflexibility in adolescents: discriminant validity and associations with internalizing symptoms and functional impairment
(In press) "Emotion dysregulation" and psychological inflexibility are, based on examination of two assessments, not demonstrably different. In fact, the authors argue, they are not even discriminable from anxiety or depression

Current Psychiatry Reports
10/25 Vivanti, G. Autism Early Intervention – Progress, Steps Backward, and the Reconciliation of Conflicting Narratives. Curr Psychiatry Rep (2024).
(Open access) The author argues that intervention has advanced in terms of what is effective, individualization, and social validity. He argues that the most profoundly affected people are ignored -- intervention may be pushed onto people who might need more intensive daily care. He also argues that ABA funding has crowded out other effective interventions

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

New Harbinger
ACT and Applied Behavior Analysis: A Practical Guide to Ensuring Better Behavior Outcomes Using Acceptance and Commitment Training, Thomas Szabo

Training Human Service Staff: Evidence-Based Strategies for Promoting Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Trainee Acceptance, Reid & Green 

A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior, Jessel & Sturmey 

Talk Behavior to Me: The Routledge Dictionary of the Top 150 Behavior Analytic Terms and Translations, Kendall Samuel

The Behavior of Social Justice: Applying Behavior Analysis to Understand and Challenge Injustice, Parks et al.

Handbook of Organizational Performance, Volume I: Foundations and Advances, Edited by Douglas Johnson & C Merle Johnson

Psychology Essentials for Behavior Analysts, Edited by Toby & Ranade

Writing Skills for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide for Students and Clinicians, Edited by Reinecke, Knihtila, Papazian, Heyman & Bratton

Behavior Modification: What It Is and How To Do It, Martin & Pear

Sloan publishing
When Text Speaks: Learning to Read & Reading to Learn, Ross & Greer

Reflections on Behaviorism and Society: Extended Edition, 2024, B. F. Skinner

Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 291 - (ETHICS) Discussing Ethical Scenarios w/ How To ABA

Behavior Analysis in Practice BAPCast
S7E8: Therapeutic Relationships in Applied Behavior Analysis: Current Status and Future Directions with Callie Plattner and Cynthia Anderson

Functional Relations
#24 - Using Motivating Operations Like a Pro w/ Dr. Sarah Frampton


Generally these are produced by professionals

Applying Our Science to the Design of Societies
A guest blog by Francis Mechner

A Behavioral Dive into Horror Films!
A conceptual analysis of horror

I want a house with a crowded table: Fruitful collaboration between Behavioral Education and Universal Design for Learning
A clunky title but shares some important info regarding curriculum design

On the Force of Coincidence and Joint Control
David Palmer on the power of coincidence

A Thought for the Scary Season #5: Is Applied Behavior Analysis Research “Stuck”?
Tom Critchfield notes a high level of self-citation, and frequently citing very old science, in behavior analysis

Licensing & professional organizations

October 2024 newsletter
RBT application streamlined on Jan 2 2025; notes on soliciting testimonials; small change in fieldwork tracking (and the BACB may be developing a tracking app?)

ASAN’s 2024 Annual Report

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Holistic Autism Care Models Demonstrate Industry’s Best-Case Scenario
Undoubtedly some people benefit from, for example, a center that includes ABA, speech, and OT in one location. It is also reportedly more profitable to run such a center. Nevertheless, the main thrust of this argument seems to be that there is not enough profit in "a good ABA company." Do we see this in medicine? "Your OBGYN practice is excellent, but to really make money we need to bring in some cosmetic dentistry."

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Reading Interventions for Older Students May Be Missing a Key Component, Education Week
A replication of several small studies finds that older students typically receive interventions focused on comprehension. However, there may be a “decoding threshold,” where students need a minimum skill level to simply sound out the words. The authors find that older students, in many cases, would be better served with solidifying the basic skills – as understood by the Wing Institute, Zig Engelmann, Kent Johnson, most people involved with celeration, and more.

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 11/7, 11/19 (ETH), 11/19 (SUP), 11/20 (SUP), 


Effective treatment is not enough

Suppose an incredible, effective treatment plan gets zero support from key social agents. Just imagine! Well, effective treatment is not enough – and the article that describes a few ways to improve adherence is now 24 years old.