Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis *
5/20 Wine, B., & Newcomb, E. T. (2024). A blocking and distance management staff training intervention for torso- and head-directed aggression. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–8.
Staff were taught skills to avoid and block aggression, and the skills were acquired (though skills did not generalize to the work environment for 1 out of 3 participants...)

Behavior Analysis in Practice
5/20 Horbanczuk, S., Fettig, A. & Luna, A. Building Collaborative Partnerships between Behavior Analysts and Families. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
The authors discuss collaboration at systemic levels and suggest principles for collaboration based on commonalities in PBS and family-centered practice

5/23 Doan, T., Sullivan, B., Koerber, J. et al. Perceptions of Machine Learning among Therapists Practicing Applied Behavior Analysis: A National Survey. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Machine learning could automate data collection, but practitioners with more experience are more skeptical. It's probably hard to separate this concept from AI, which is currently garbage

Behavioral Interventions *
5/25 Argueta, T., Reichow, B., Talhelm, P., & DeLeon, I. G. (2024). A systematic review of procedures for establishing conditioned reinforcers. Behavioral Interventions, e2026.
A literature review finds that, in terms of methods to condition reinforcement, the most effective strategies in order are: response-stimulus pairing, stimulus-stimulus pairing, and operant discrimination training (though all were only effective in about half of cases)

Behavior and Social Issues
5/22 Gautreaux, G., Shanman, D., Weber, J. et al. Having an Impact on Underserved Students: A Description of Using a Strategic Science of Teaching Model and Its Application to a Charter School. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
CABAS is a Doug Greer/Columbia system of using behavior analysis throughout school. The authors describe the system and outcomes 

Cihon, T.M., Rehfeldt, R.A., Rakos, R.F. et al. Editorial: Integrating Culturo-Behavior Science and Contextual Behavior Science (CBS2). Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
Precious little information about this one, but it's a discussion of how to combine culturo-behavior science (e.g., metacontingencies of culture and selection of behavior) with ACT

5/23 Tereshko, L.M., Conners, B. & Weiss, M.J. Increasing Culturally Responsive Behavior among Graduate Students Preparing for Careers with Neurodiverse Clients. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
A cultural responsiveness training increased self-assessment scores for grad students, and also increased scores in a role play. The appendix has a sample scoring rubric 

Laurent-Prophete, V., Greer, R.D. & Yurick, A.L. The Effects of a Direct Instruction Curriculum Sequence on the Reading Comprehension Responses of Early Readers. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
(Open access) Teaching derived relations to 4 typically developing first graders increased their reading comprehension scores. An example of a derived relation in this case would be a story about a mouse running upstairs, then asking "How many floors does the home have?" (e.g., at least 2; see appendix for more). This is a fascinating study because it is unusual in ABA but could make an impact in education

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior *
5/24 Killeen, P. R. (2024). Hyperbolae. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1–15.
A hyperbola can be thought of as two mirror-image graphical curves. In behavior, rate of response and rate of reinforcement have this relationship, as do the value of a stimulus and its delay or degree of probability. The author discusses these relationships

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
5/24 Exploring the impact of the first rule of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy on fear of intimacy, vulnerability, and responsiveness: An analog process analysis
(In press) Functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP) is a topic frequently studied in JCBS; in this case they are examining some core processes and find that certain "rules" may be overstated. FAP is apparently quite effective and something need to learn more about

5/25 The Experiences of Family Caregiver and Clinician Facilitators Implementing a Co-Delivered Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) Intervention
(In press) A group-based ACT intervention was aimed at supporting caregivers

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

Sloan publishing
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 276 - Concurrent Chains Arrangement

Behavioral Observations
How Does Interviewer Behavior Influence Children's Responses? Inside JABA 19

El Análisis de Conducta en Venezuela: BOP en Español 9, con Corina Jimenez-Gomez, Mirari Elcoro y Amalix Flores


Generally these are produced by professionals

CONNECTIONS (#4 of 6): Two Recommended Books Highlighting the Critical Importance of Broad Behavioral Repertoires
Tom Critchfield makes the case for learning about other stuff

Why Every Practicing Applied Behavior Analyst Needs a Basic Bestie
"Basic" as in EAB

The Quest To Communicate About Behavior Analysis (#2 of 5): A *WIDER REACH* is Within Our Reach
A cool organization helps with writing and dissemination, courtesy of a SABA grant

CONNECTIONS (#5 of 6): Six Repertoire-Stretching Talks to Check Out in Philadelphia
T Critch details some unique ABAI presentations taking place at the 50th annual convention

Tips for Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing for Autistic Adults
Some basic tips

Licensing & professional organizations

ABA practice guidelines 3.0
These are guidelines that are essentially written for funding sources. An interesting insight into what we want insurance companies to see
Here’s what Behavioral Health Business has to say about it

ASAN Comments on FDA Proposed Rule to Ban Electric Stimulation Devices for Self-Injurious or Aggressive Behavior

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Autism Therapy Franchises Offer New Option for Entrepreneurs Skeptical of Private Equity Paradigm
Ok, you don't want to work for people who only care about profits, and the federal government is starting to look closely at healthcare consolidation. Let's compromise and make ABA more like McDonald's. (Actually think about this and maybe it's not a terrible idea...)

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

The Worst Best Economy Ever: Why Biden is getting no credit for the boom, The Atlantic

Americans also tend to say that even though they are personally doing well, the overall economy is doing poorly. Political scientists think this has to do with the news they are consuming, which tends to focus on the negative or to caveat good trends: Wage growth poses challenge for the Federal Reserve! Holding economic conditions constant, financial reporting has gotten more negative over the past four decades. This negativity gap was big during the end of the Trump administration, and it’s even bigger during the Biden administration. Social media puts a gloomy filter on the news too. Folks click on and share dire stories more than they do upbeat ones.

We have known for decades that rules (self-generated or generated by others) can make people insensitive to actual contingencies. For example: if I tell you there is a speed trap on a certain stretch of highway, you may drive more slowly there for days, weeks, or even months – even if there is no speed trap.

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 5/29, 5/30


A truly mixed bag with some insane anachronisms (kissing kids as a reinforcer?) and some impressive results (Pam and Ricky during treatment). We’ve come so far – or have we?