Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Behavior Analysis in Practice
1/8 Graber, A., Maguire, A. Clinical Informed Consent and ABA. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
(Open access) This article attempts to comprehensively address informed consent, and the supplementary info contains their process in determining when and if informed consent is necessary (also briefly covered in the discussion section)

1/9 Evanko, C.D., Moss-Lourenco, T., Kramer, R. et al. Why We All Need to Shape the Profession of Behavior Analysis through Advocacy and How to Get Started. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Thoughts on promotion, public policy, and dissemination

1/10 Verojporn, A., Luna, O. Using a Training Package to Increase Compassionate Care Skills: A Preliminary Analysis of Two Case Studies. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
The authors trained two subjects on interpersonal skills, which increased; a data collection sheet is available in the supplemental materials section (though it has a fair amount of typos for some reason)

Behavioral Interventions *
1/13 Saini, V., Broto, J., Robbins, M., Totino, M., & Zorzos, C. (2024). Functional analysis screening for inappropriate mealtime behavior. Behavioral Interventions, e1999.
(Open access) Food refusal at mealtime typically has an escape function; this study compared indirect assessment to EFA. In 3 cases, an indirect assessment and an FA had correspondence

Behavior Modification *
1/10 Moore, T. R., Lee, S., Freeman, R., Mahmoundi, M., Dimian, A., Riegelman, A., & Simacek, J. J. (2024). A Meta-Analysis of Treatment for Self-Injurious Behavior in Children and Adolescents With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
A review of SIB finds that treatment is typically very effective, but is more effective with clinicians at a clinic versus parents in the home

1/11 Peltier, C., McKenna, J. W., & van Dijk, W. (2024). Investigation of Two Preliminary Analysis-Altering Elements: Ordinate Scaling and DPPXYR. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
When graphs are manipulated by changing the length or scale of the axes, subjects did not change their opinion about FA conditions, but there were mixed results regarding judgment of treatment magnitude. 

Gifford, M. R., Tiger, J. H., Harman, M. J., & Kastner, K. M. (2024). Consistent Visual Analysis of Multielement Data: A Preliminary Evaluation. Behavior Modification, 0(0).
Authors sent graphs to 33 members of journal boards and asked them to rate experimental control; there was high correspondence, which provides some evidence for visual inspection

The Psychological Record
1/9 Mason, L., Andrews, A., Otero, M. et al. The Shape of Relations to Come: Multidimensional Analyses of Complex Human Behavior. Psychol Rec (2024).
(Open access) The authors suggest that 2-dimensional charts could be supplanted by 3-dimensional charts in some cases, such as verbal behavior. An interesting idea in any case

1/10 Courtemanche, A.B., Brewer, A.T., Hauslaib, S. et al. An Evaluation of Daily Perceived Stress and Impulsive Decision Making: A Pilot Study. Psychol Rec (2024).
Daily stress ratings correlate with consistently choosing "smaller-sooner" (as opposed to larger-later) rewards; this choice making is correlated in turn with a host of behavioral problems 

Gates, L., Cariveau, T. & Helvey, C.I. A Pilot Study of Observing Responses in Dyadic Competition. Psychol Rec (2024).
Audits (when a person observes the performance of a competitor) changed behavior in a contrived game experiment

Journal of Behavioral Education
1/9 Blake, J.T., Aspiranti, K.B. & Coleman, D.N. Comparing the Efficacy of Virtual Implementation for Two Sight Word Flashcard Interventions. J Behav Educ (2024).
An online flashcard intervention was effective

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
1/9 Acceptability of ACT group intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes
(In press) The informal, uninspiring, accurate tagline for ACT: It’s acceptable


ABA Inside Track
Episode 263 - (ETHICS) The Ethics of Fad Treatments

Behavioral Observations
How to Make Career Decisions as a Bcba: Apollo Case Study Series 12
AAC, Science-Based Treatment, Clinical Judgment, and More: The 2023 Verbal Behavior Conference Panel Discussion


Generally these are produced by professionals

Forgotten Heroes of Behavior Analysis: A Quick Nod to Nat

Put down your PDC and Step Away
Author Adam Hochman thinks practitioners are too reliant on the PDC-HS when addressing performance problems. I would love to meet these people that Adam has imagined.

Licensing & professional organizations

Behavioral Sibling Training
Needs more evidence, can be helpful, but may be out of the scope of practice for most people

Comments for the January 24th IACC Meeting

December newsletter
Includes details of the 2026 RBT job task analysis, test outline, 40 hour training outline, and recert requirements (a crosswalk is included); also includes a timeline of upcoming BCBA certification requirements

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

‘Parents Are Desperate’: Parent-Led ABA Provides Tantalizing Remedy to Autism Therapy’s Challenges
This concerns me for a lot of reasons. First, I thought of something I read from Ron Leaf, of the Autism Partnership Foundation and part of the original Lovaas study (in the book "Comprehensive Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment: Points of Divergence and Convergence"). Lovaas required 1 parent in each family to quit their job and become a full-time therapist; Leaf now sees that as unreasonable. Beyond that, are we asking parents to become nurses for their children, or certificated teachers, or dentists?

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Undercover FBI Agents Helped Autistic Teen Plan Trip To Join ISIS, The Intercept
I have heard a dozen times, in regards to challenging or extreme problem behavior, “nobody would do that just to get attention!” And yet…

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 1/16, 1/17, 1/18, 1/31


An incredibly entertaining and weird article from Andy Lattal, posted to the Cambridge Center website, connects the red yarn from the Unabomber to behaviorism.