Scholarly publications

Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis * Volume 57, Issue 3 (20 articles, 6 open access)
Most intriguing: Um, so, like, do speech disfluencies matter? A parametric evaluation of filler sounds and words

7/14 Davidson, R. M., Brown, H. D., Regnier, S. D., & DeFulio, A. (2024). Incentivized collaborative care to disseminate and enhance contingency-management services. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–11.
Contingency management is a very effective treatment for drug addiction -- and it is basically a token economy. Despite effectiveness, it is underused; the authors paid physicians to review CM client data and describe clinical judgment, which improved care but did not improve access to care

7/19 McCafferty, K. E., Wilder, D. A., Gravina, N., Bible, L., & Ferguson, R. (2024). Comparing teaching with tactile guidance with video modeling with self-evaluative video feedback to train medical skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1–11.
The authors used a modified TAGteach method (a vibration rather than a sound for a correct response) to teach medical skills, and compared it to video modeling with feedback. Both were effective, but the modified TAGteach took longer

Behavior Analysis in Practice
7/15 Kwak, D., Blair, KS.C. & Russo, D. Development of the Values-Centered Assessment Tool (VCAT) to Inform Culturally Responsive Behavioral Services. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Culturally-informed practices are better, but how do we educate ourselves about our families? The authors developed a questionnaire to inform culturally-relevant decisions, and it is available in the supplementary information

Behavioral Interventions *
7/14 Beaulieu, M., Normand, M. P., & Miltenberger, R. G. (2024). Using behavioral skills training to teach goal setting for health behaviors. Behavioral Interventions, e2041.
(Open access) With 1.25 hours of BST, performance improved on setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) in hypothetical health & fitness scenarios

7/20 Peterson, K. M., Crowley-Zalaket, J. G., & Ibañez, V. F. (2024). Simultaneous presentation and differential reinforcement to increase consumption. Behavioral Interventions, e2044.
(Open access) For 2 children with feeding difficulties, simultaneous presentation was used (e.g., 1 preferred food with a piece of new food inside, such as a piece of an Oreo with a pea inside) with differential reinforcement (iPad time) given for taking bites of food; the preferred food pieces would then be faded. In both cases this increased bites of new food

Perspectives on Behavior Science
7/15 Miltenberger, R.G., Flores, A.M. Evaluating Experts’ Consensus on Behavioral Principles. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
Miltenberger, who wrote a textbook, discusses basic definitions as defined by experts

The Psychological Record
7/16 Ardila-Sánchez, J.G., López-López, W. Sociopsychology of Interindividual Relations and Institutions: Levels of Analysis, Events, Research, and Theory. Psychol Rec (2024).
(Open access) Sociopsychology is the study of individual relationships within a group, but the primary foundational work is Spanish-language. The authors attempt to summarize and introduce the theory to an English-language audience (the authors name-drop Kantor in the second paragraph)

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
7/14 Minority Stress, Mental Health, and Mindfulness and Self-Compassion as Moderators among Young Sexual Minority Men: A Moderated Structural Equation Analysis
(In press) Mindfulness and self-compassion moderate the effects of homophobia

7/18 Examining Psychological Flexibility in Unaccompanied Minors: A Network Analysis
(In press) In a sample of 100 refugee minors in Cyprus, psychological flexibility mediated the effects of stress and PTSD. Values and committed action appear to have the strongest effect

7/19 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: What the History of ACT and the First 1,000 Randomized Controlled Trials Reveal
(In press) ACT began in approximately 1986 and there have been over 1,000 randomized controlled trials, as well as an expansion into low- and middle-income countries

Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis (REBAC)
Suppl. 1 (2024) Special Supplement: Didactic Articles 2 articles are in English: An Introduction to Interbehaviorism: Contributions to a Natural Science of Behavior (note: interesting because of a new interest in Kanter) and The Big Bang Theory and Behavior Analysis: Sheldon's Misunderstanding of Skinnerian Concepts (note: not interesting because that show seriously sucks)

Book publications

Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market

Writing Skills for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide for Students and Clinicians, Edited by Reinecke, Knihtila, Papazian, Heyman & Bratton

Sloan publishing
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten

Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)

2023: A list here


ABA Inside Track
Episode 282 - Protection Factors in Trauma-Informed Practice w/ Dr. Camille Kolu

Behavioral Observations

Improving knee surgery outcomes with positive reinforcement: Inside JABA Series 20


Generally these are produced by professionals

A Brief Research Story on Measuring the Strength of Symbolic Relations

The Quest to Communicate About Behavior Analysis (#4 of 5): The Power of a Good Story
Stories are better than facts, which is a …fact.

Steve Hayes
Three Questions To Overcome Your Biggest Fear

Licensing & professional organizations

July 2024 newsletter
Some associations worldwide are planning to provide certification in their country; careful messing with AI; use your legal name in documents

Understanding the Review Process of Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

BF Skinner Foundation
Signed Walden II, first edition current bid at $7,500

Take action for better jobs and fair pay for disabled workers

Business world

Autism services, behavioral health, etc.

Why the Case for Value-Based Behavioral Health Care Is Easier in Acute Settings
It’s easier to make the case for value-based care when you can point to a cost-savings, and that is most tangible when related to high-cost events (e.g., visits to the ER). While the idea of value-based care always seems intriguing, it does ultimately boil down to a matter of costs.

Accidentally behavior analysis

A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis

Generative AI Hype Cycle Is Hitting ‘Trough of Disillusionment’, 404 Media
Most people would agree that AI hype reached a peak that the actual performance never quite matched. Gartner, a consulting firm, essentially explains it this way: it is overhyped, the hype wanes, and then the utility catches up little by little; their graph of the cycle looks like this:

The graph reminded me of a similar hypothetical graph: Bob Mager, instructional designer extraordinaire, described an enthusiasm curve for new instructional methods and provided the following illustration:

Continuing education


BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 7/31


When Skinner criticized neuroscience, was he thinking of salmon?